Month: August 2024

  • where we began

    by EeFM 2024 our undoingbegan with a snapshot ofa hallway, our youngest at 3she awakens  sinking  trapped in the darkness between         doorways Our voices repeat in cornersof the darkest momentsthat tore us intwo(+two +two +two +two ∞)a projection of our past lives –puppets createddecades ago A hallway that replacesmemories forsmoke, features for shadows one childfor a…

  • generational undoing

    generational undoing

    by EeFM 2024 I unfriended you at 3am.24 years and our little make-shift bond of words and screens and the truths we couldn’t say to anyone else: a tiny family of usThe unwavering belief in each other,As we navigated the depths of our prisonsThe inevitability of our existence The expanse of what could be filled…